Christopher Gray
Learning Designer
Executive Coaching
English, Spanish
Christopher is a Product Leader with over 20 years of experience innovating in the software industry, primarily focused on the development of educational technology.
Christopher uses his lifetime of business experience in service of the growth of others as an executive developmental coach, trained by both Newfield Network and the Co-Active Training Institute.
Prior to his most recent position at Facebook developing group tools for social learning, he was the Chief Product Officer for Pathbrite, an online learning portfolio startup that was acquired by a major educational publisher in 2016.
Christopher holds a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Development, and began his career as a leadership and management trainer.
The value Christopher holds when working with others is first and foremost welcoming them just as they are, as is. He values revealing what’s here in the present moment, trusting that there is deep wisdom in what arises between people as they work together, then approaching what arises with a sense of curiosity, exploration, and openness.
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